Nursing General Information

The nursing program at American River College is impacted

There are more students who apply than can be accepted into the program. All applicants with 70 points or more are put into the selection pool (see Prescreening Criteria Form for details). If an applicant is not chosen, the student may reapply the next year.

Startup program costs are approximately $7,400. The student is responsible for providing uniforms, laboratory fees, malpractice insurance, necessary equipment, and transportation to off-campus laboratory locations. Nursing program students should expect fees of approximately $575.00 to take the R.N. licensure exam. All costs/fees are subject to change.

Why Do You Want to Become a Nurse?

Selection for the nursing program is competitive and there is no guarantee of enrollment. Students who enter the program do so having knowledge of the nursing role and a sound desire to be a nurse. Given enrollment limitations, it is critical. “Nursing is something you need to do for yourself.” These were words spoken by one of our first semester nursing students. The student completed all prerequisites, applied multiple times to the nursing program and was finally selected. The student chose nursing for sound reasons: recession proof career, good wages, flexible work hours, and family advice. After a few weeks in the nursing program, the student realized that nursing was not the right career choice. As the student put it at an exit interview from the program, “I have the heart and smarts for nursing,” but not the passion and desire for nursing. The scenario above is not an isolated one. When considering program reapplication, please consider fully investigating the nursing profession.

You can start by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Why do you want to be a nurse?
  2. Have you ever worked in a hospital setting and observed the role of registered nurses?
  3. Would you be willing to take on that role and its significant responsibilities?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, it is important that you seek the answers to determine if a nursing career is for you. Students are encouraged to attend the ARC Nursing Information Session offered multiple times throughout the academic year (see nursing website for details). Many students also find it valuable to interview a working nurse and ask the following questions. If you had to do it over again, would you choose nursing as a career? What do you like best about nursing? What do you like least about nursing? Answers to these questions will give you a sense of whether nursing is a long-term career fit.
Best wishes and good luck in your career selection, ARC Nursing Department.

What does it mean to be a Nurse?

What can you do to prepare for Nursing school? Learn more about the multi-criteria selection process and how to maximize your points. Students do not need to register, just show up. Nursing Information Sessions

General Information