Medicaid Fraud Control Unit

The mission of the New Jersey Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) is to protect Medicaid beneficiaries and the Medicaid Program from fraud, waste and abuse.

The Medicaid Fraud Control Unit is within the New Jersey Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor.

The MFCU investigates and prosecutes

To report Medicaid Fraud or Patient Abuse & Neglect, please complete the Medicaid Fraud & Patient Abuse & Neglect Reporting Form or contact us:

NJ Office of the Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
P.O. Box 094
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0094

About MFCU

In 1977 Congress enacted legislation, the Medicare-Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Amendments, P.L. 95-142, which established the state Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) program and provided the states with incentive funding to investigate and prosecute Medicaid provider fraud. Federal regulations require the MFCU’s to be certified annually by the Secretary of the Department of Health and human Services (DHHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG). The enabling federal legislation emphasizes the necessity of having an integrated multi-disciplinary team of attorneys, investigators and auditors in one office in order to successfully prosecute these complex financial crimes.

The MFCUs are required to be separate and distinct from the state Medicaid programs to avoid institutional conflicts of interest. The units are generally located in the state Attorney General’s Office, although some MFCUs are located in other state agencies with law enforcement responsibilities. In our state our MFCU is in the Office of the Attorney General in the Division of Criminal Justice.

The mission of law enforcement is to protect life and property. The Medicaid Fraud Section is unique in the Division of Criminal Justice in that our mission, which is “to protect the Medicaid program and its beneficiaries from fraud, waste and abuse,” addresses both of these mandates. Fifty percent of Medicaid program expenditures are directly funded by state taxpayer dollars, making the Medicaid program one of the largest expenditures in the state budget.

Fraud Examples

Medicaid Fraud

Health Care Claims Fraud

Contact MFCU

NJ Office of the Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
& Patient Abuse & Neglect Unit

P.O. Box 094
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0094