How to type roman numerals in Word & Excel

There are several ways to type roman numerals on your PC or Mac.

The method you use depends on the particular software you are working with.

In this article, I will show you the exact methods you need to type and convert English or Arabic numerals into roman numerals using Microsoft Word or Excel. You can always copy and paste to other apps once you get the roman numeral of a number onto your Word or Excel document.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Two ways to do Roman numerals in Word

In Microsoft Word, you can get the roman numerals version of the Arabic or English numbers using one of the methods explained below.

Method 1: Using Fields

This method is best for you if you just need the roman numerals version of only one number in your Word document. For a long list of roman numerals, you are better off using the next method or using Excel to generate the numbers, then copy and paste them into your Word document. Using Excel to generate a list of Roman numerals is discussed later in this article.

To easily add roman numerals in Word, place your insertion pointer where you need the roman numerals and press Ctrl+F9 shortcut on your keyboard. Two curly braces (known as field characters) will appear. Inside these field characters, type =Number\*ROMAN then press the F9 key to convert the number into roman numerals.

Note: Replace the Number part of the code with the Arabic numeral you wish to type as a Roman numeral.

Obey the following step-by-step instructions to type roman numerals in Word:

press Ctrl+F9


Where Numbers is the Arabic/English number you wish to type as a roman numeral.

For instance, if you want to type the roman numeral of 24 which is XXIV, the field code should be .

See screenshot below:

typing roman numerals in Word using field code

get roman numerals into Word

It is the number before the backward slash that converts to the roman numerals. Thus, if you want to type any number as a Roman numeral, obey the above instructions, and instead of using 24, type the number you wish then press the F9 key.

Method 2: Using Roman numerals in a list

Automatic numbering saves you the trouble of having to insert numbers manually.

Using the numbering feature in Word, you can automatically insert a list of roman numerals without having to type them manually.

Thus, to use roman numerals in a list, type the list beginning each item in a new line or paragraph. Now select all the items you typed then go to the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select the Numbering drop-down and choose the roman numerals numbering style from the drop-down menu.

The steps are broken down below:

roman numeral list in Word

using roman numerals in a list in Word

Automatically generate roman numerals in Excel

The quickest way to convert any numbers to roman numerals is to use Excel’s ROMAN() function.

It allows you to convert any number as a Roman numeral provided it falls within 1 and 3999.

For instance, the formula =ROMAN(24) returns XXIV.

Thus, if you want to get the Roman numeral of any number in Excel, simply use the =ROMAN() function with the number as an argument for the function. For example, =ROMAN(24) will return XXIV.

To get a huge list of roman numerals in Excel, obey the following step-by-step guide:

get roman <a href=numerals in Excel" width="372" height="493" />

do roman <a href=numerals in Excel" width="391" height="497" />

Using the ROMAN() function in Excel, you can generate as many roman numerals as you wish.

However, you need to know that the ROMAN() function in Excel supports only up to 3999 (positive values only). Your formula will return an error if you exceed this value or if the value is zero or negative.

These are the easy and quick ways you can type roman numerals in both Excel and Word.

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