Electronic Transcripts

Students can order transcripts online via MyRegistration. Select 'MyRegistration'; 'StudentRecords'; 'MyStudentRecord'; and 'Access National Student Clearinghouse to request Transcript'. Transcripts can be purchased using a major credit card (convenience fee will apply).

Students may also access the Student Clearinghouse directly.

Information for Students and Alumni

An electronic (PDF) transcript is a certified PDF of the official transcript. Recipients of the official electronic transcript receive an email with instructions on how to retrieve the document from a secure web site. Official electronic transcripts can be sent to any valid email address. It is the sole responsibility of the requestor to ensure the recipient accepts official electronic transcripts.

Requestors will receive an email confirmation when the transcript is ready for the recipient to download and another email when the transcript has been downloaded by the recipient.

PDF document delivery is becoming increasingly common across institutions, organizations, and agencies. However, before requesting an official electronic PDF transcript, please verify that the recipient will accept an electronic transcript. Additionally, it is important to verify the correct email address for transmission of the transcript.

Electronic Transcript Exchange (ETX) is a service that enables educational institutions, application services, and organizations to exchange electronic transcripts securely via National Student Clearinghouse. More information about electronic transcripts can be found here.

Information for Recipients

NOTE: January 2020 UC Merced launched a new watermark design for the electronic transcript. Please let us know if you have any questions.

The University of California, Merced is now sending official transcripts in an electronic PDF format. These transcripts are considered official documents and can be validated because they have been signed and certified.

When receiving a secure official electronic transcript, the recipient will receive two emails, both from the National Student Clearinghouse. The first will include a link and username. The second will include a unique password. Click the link provided to you in the first email. Make sure that popup blockers are turned off or allowed by the National Student Clearinghouse website. Enter your email address and the password provided in the second email. You may then download the electronic PDF transcript.

Having trouble retrieving the transcript? Ensure that pop-up blockers are turned off and that you are using Adobe Reader to view the PDF (Chrome and Macs use other default PDF viewers). Transcript ordering help information is available here: https://nschelpcenter.force.com/student/s/

Document Validity

All official electronic transcripts for the University of California, Merced have been digitally signed and therefore contain special characteristics.

When the document is viewed through Adobe Reader, it will reveal a digital certificate that has been applied to the transcript. This digital certificate will appear as a blue ribbon along the top of the document and declare that the document was certified by National Student Clearinghouse with a valid certificate issued by GlobalSign Primary for Adobe. The document certification can be validated by clicking on the Signature Properties of the document. More information about Adobe's Certified Document Services can be found at: http://www.adobe.com/security/partners_cds.html.

All official transcripts also bear the seal of the University of California and the signature of the University Registrar.

If you require further information regarding the authenticity of a transcript, you may email or call the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ucmerced.edu or (209) 228-7178.